KYE: Knowing Your Employees
We believe the value of knowing your employees better is a massive competitive advantage for businesses. We believe that every employee-related business decision should be data-driven, or data-informed. The days of making business decisions based on gut feel, intuition or whoever shouts the loudest, should be long gone. That’s why we do what we do. […]
KYC: Knowing your customers
Beyond the usual KYC requirements, we believe the value of knowing your customers is a massive competitive advantage for businesses. We believe that every customer-related business decision should be data-driven, or data-informed. The days of making business decisions based on gut feel, intuition or whoever shouts the loudest, should be long gone. That’s why we […]
How to get awesome insight from data as a smaller business (without blowing the bank!)
Can you do smart stuff with data and be a small company? Absolutely. Can it be a humongous time and money drain if it’s not done right? Oh yes. For many innovative, growing businesses, generating business and customer insight from data is a no-brainer. But when you’re not a FTSE 100 with teams of data […]
How to turn your data into a money maker 3
Guide three: analysing your data So you’ve set strong business objectives and wrangled with your data to make sure it’s accurate and relevant. Good stuff. Now comes the super important part — the analysis of your data. To do it right, you’ll need to know the different ways you can slice and dice your data. Whichever method […]
How to turn your data into a money maker
Guide one: building strong use cases You see zeros and ones, we see a goldmine. Data is hugely powerful for businesses in Marketing, Sales, Procurement, you name it. But start a data project without strong objectives and you’ll be in trouble. To win at the data game, you’ve got to: Ask the right questions Set […]
Quitting work, saving babies and solving crime
How data is shaping our world (Data is cool! article #2) “Tell me something cool about data!” Said no one, ever. Or perhaps not outside a data analyst meeting. Which is a shame really, as data is having a greater and more profound effect on each of our lives with each passing year. In our […]